DE1002(KO2) : IADC WellSharp Certification (Basic)
COURSE TITLE : DE1002(KO2) : IADC WellSharp Certification (Basic)
COURSE DATE : Nov 03 - Nov 07 2024
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Moammar Khallouf
VENUE : Dubai, UAE
COURSE FEE : $ 8500
Register For Course Outline
Date : May 05 - May 09 (5 Days) Location : Al Khobar, KSA Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 8000 Course Info
Date : Aug 04 - Aug 08 (5 Days) Location : Istanbul, Turkey Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 8500 Course Info

Course Description

This practical and highly-interactive course includes various practical sessions and exercises. Theory learnt will be applied using our state-of-the-art simulators. This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed and up-to-date overview of IADC WellSharp. It covers the fracture gradients, kick tolerance and pore pressures; the casing, cementing and fluids program; the well control terminology and formation characteristics; the hydrostatic pressure, gradient, pump pressure and equivalent mud weights; the principle of U-tube; the capacities, displacements, strokes, formation stresses and strength; the maximum anticipated surface pressure and maximum allowable annular surface pressure (MAASP); the ballooning, gas behavior and tapered drill string; the functions and types of wellbore fluid; the potential contaminants and their effects; the causes of kicks; and the philosophy and operation of barrier systems. During this interactive course, participants will learn the shallow gas, water flows and top-hole drilling; the abnormal pressure warning signs; the well control drills comprising of pit, trip, stripping, choke, diverter and hang-off drills; the importance of early response, stop work authority and empowerment act; the kick detection; the shut-in procedures and verification; the post-shut-in monitoring and activities; and the change management during a well kill. link to course overview PDF


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology before or during the course for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable

Certificates: Only soft copy certificates will be issued to participants through Haward’s Portal. This includes Wallet Card Certificates if applicable
Training Materials: Only soft copy Training Materials (PDF format) will be issued to participant through the Virtual Training Platform
Training Methodology: 80% of the program will be theory and 20% will be practical sessions, exercises, case studies, simulators or videos
Training Program: The training will be for 4 hours per day starting at 09:30 and ending at 13:30
H-STK Smart Training Kit: Not Applicable
Hands-on Practical Workshops: Not Applicable
Site Visit: Not Applicable
Simulators: Only software simulators will be used in the virtual courses. Hardware simulators are not applicable and will not be used in Virtual Training


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